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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > Sandwich_method_ELISA > Signosis/小鼠TGF-ß1 ELISA/EA-2521/1 EA
商品详细Signosis/小鼠TGF-ß1 ELISA/EA-2521/1 EA
Signosis/小鼠TGF-ß1 ELISA/EA-2521/1 EA
Signosis/小鼠TGF-ß1 ELISA/EA-2521/1 EA
商品编号: EA-2521
品牌: signosisinc
市场价: ¥8380.00
美元价: 5028.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 夹心法ELISA
公司分类: Sandwich_method_ELISA
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com


The transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-ß1) gene codes a multifunctional cytokine that controls proliferation, differentiation, and other functions in many cell types, including cancer cells, the surrounding stromal cells, immune cells, endothelial and smooth-muscle cells. It causes immunosuppression and angiogenesis, which makes the cancer more invasive. TGF-ß also converts effector T-cells, which normally attack cancer with an inflammatory (immune) reaction, into regulatory (suppressor) T-cells, which turn off the inflammatory reaction. TGF-ß induces apoptosis in numerous cell types. TGF-ß can act on adipocyte precursor cells. TGF- ß1 has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of the differentiation of adipogenic cell lines. In addition, a differentiation-defective, insulin-independent cell line derived from the adipogenic cell line 1246 produces in its conditional medium a TGF- ß1-like polypeptide which could modulate the cell ability to differentiate in an autocrine fashion. Increased TGF-b1 expression was associated with BMI and abdominal adipose tissue in morbid obesity.
Signosis 是一家专业的生物分析供应商,致力于基于微孔板分析技术的生命科学研究产品的开发、生产和销售。Signosis 成立于2007年,坐落于世界研发中心--美国硅谷的中心地带。公司专注于细胞因子、转录因子、miRNA及疾病标志物等重要调控因子和标志物的研究,基于自有专利技术,开发完成400多种先进而独特的用于发现、筛选和分析的生命科学研究产品。Signosis 产品销售遍布北美、欧洲、亚洲及中东等主要国家和地区,客户涵盖美国国立卫生研究院、哈佛大学、耶鲁大学等著名研究机构以及众多制药公司